Hi, all...

Well, what I figured was going to happen is happening.

There seems to be an emphasis in Scorpio in increasing
the number of pre-built components, especially are Ajax

And the Ajax bug has finally bitten me, via jQuery, but I'm
running into limitations about what I can do server-side
with CF 4.5...

I'm planning to upgrade Scorpio when it becomes available
proves itself reliable, but I want to use Ajax functionality
now with CF 4.5 sp2....

Is WDDX is the only option for accomplishing this with

I've been working with jQuery and using Ajax to send
info to .cfm pages for processing, but I'm bumping up
against the need to implement Ajax functionality on
the server back to jQuery.

Am I just out of luck without Json or is it worth the effort
to develop in WDDX (if appropriate for my situation)
until Scorpio is released?

Perhaps there are free versions of a CF Server
(Coral Web Builder, Smith Project, and one more I can't
think of that is free) that can be utilized until Scorpio
becomes available?

Thanks for some perspective on this matter...


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