Thanks Rich. Tried to implement but recevd errors with Convert. Where does this 
command go pls? In the where? Tried that but still got errors.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Richard Kroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Monday, March 26, 2007 11:33 AM
To:     CF-Talk
Subject:        RE: date compare

Firstly, what you have to keep in mind is that you said you have
"date/time" fields.  When you are trying:

        WHERE myDate = '03/26/2007'

what you are really saying is:

        WHERE myDate = '2007-03-26 00:00:00.000'

This comparison will fail on a record such as '2007-03-26 17:56:22.000'.
To get around that you can convert the date/time field to get it to drop
the time:

CONVERT(char(8), myDate, 1) will give you '03/26/07'

> <cfquery name="Getnow" datasource="trials">
> Select * from trials_info
> </cfquery>
> <CFSET sevendaysback = DateAdd("d", -7, getnow.expiration)>
> Select * from trials_info
> Where '#DateFormat(CreateODBCDate(now()), "mm/dd/yyyy")#' =
> '#DateFormat(CreateODBCDate(sevendaysback), "mm/dd/yyyy")#'
> </cfquery>

I get from your code that you are trying to find all records that have
an expiration column equal to 7 days ago.  You could do this all in one
query like the following (MSSQL syntax):

FROM    trials_info
WHERE   CONVERT(char(8), dateadd(dd, -7, expiration), 1) =
CONVERT(CHAR(8), getDate(), 1)


Rich Kroll

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
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