Have you tried a simpler relative url instead of a full one?


-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFDocument image issue

I'm not using <tbody> or any odd tags. All I'm using is
<table><tr><th><td> and the respective closing tags. My image call is
using a full url. Here's info if you guys wanna test:

http://www.smafl.com/admin/schedule.cfm?teamid=26 (this is the page
generating the pdf)

The image reference is to http://www.smafl.com/images/SMAFLLogo.gif

Here's my code to generate the page (with the appropriate queries
outside the <cfdocument>

<cfdocument format="pdf">       
        <img src="http://www.smafl.com/images/SMAFLLogo.gif"; width="450"
height="100" /><br />

        <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="700">
         <cfoutput query="getTeamSchedule">
                <tr class="<cfif gameDateTime gt
                        <td>#dateFormat(gameDateTime,"mmm d")#</td>
gameDoubleHeader eq 1> &amp;
                        <td <cfif homeTeamID eq
teamID>style="font-weight: bold;"</cfif>>#homeTeamName#</td>
                        <td <cfif visitorTeamID eq
teamID>style="font-weight: bold;"</cfif>>#visitorTeamName#</td>

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