Never mind--I have simply added a hidden ID field in the form's looped section 
(the one handling the checkbox generation...)

Anyway, I set up my database per your suggestion, and it is working 
brilliantly!  I am handling the looped Insert statement like this:  feel free 
to let me know if it can be done in an easier way:

<cfparam name="checkedList" default="">
<cfparam name="pageIDList" default="">
        <cfquery name="Pages" datasource="#request.dsn#">
        SELECT *
        FROM Pages
        ORDER BY PageName ASC
<cfloop query="Pages">
<cfset checkedList = listappend(checkedList, FORM[ "A#PageID#" ])>
<cfset pageIDList = listappend(pageIDList, FORM[ "B#PageID#" ])>
<cfloop index = "Counter" from = "1" to = "#ListLen(checkedlist)#">
        <cfquery datasource="#request.dsn#">
        INSERT INTO Links (LogoID, PageID, Checked)
        VALUES ( 
                '#ListGetAt(pageIDList, Counter)#',
                '#ListGetAt(checkedList, Counter)#'

Anyway, thanks for all of the help.  I really do appreciate it!


>If you are returning a POST instead of a GET, I'd name all the 
>checkboxes the same.  Make the values the page IDs.  You'll get a 
>comma-delimited list which you can parse into a large insert.
>If you have to name them individually, prefix them with something 
>similar (ie page_(ID) so, page_23, page_9, etc.).  You can loop over the 
>formfields list and extract them.
>Sorry if that's not clear, but I'm pretty tired.  :-)
>Joel Watson wrote:

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