This may be what you are looking for

--------button to logout ------------------
<FORM action="logout_action.cfm" method=post>
        <INPUT type=submit name=Logout1 value=Logout>
--------------logout action form --------------------

<cfset rc = StructDelete(session, "pass", "true")>
<CFIF rc EQ "yes">
You are logged out
-------------- response with humor after the logout
<cfif IsDefined ("Session.pass")>

<CFQUERY NAME=ElapsedTime DATASOURCE="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
SELECT      elapsedtime,userID
FROM         uservariables 
WHERE      (pass = '#session.pass#')
You are no longer logged into the site. <br>
 You must log on to do any more study.<br>
<font color="Navy">CDWMVTSHPUSA</font><br>
<font size="-5" color="Silver">Colorado Division of Web Management for
Virtual Traffic School, High Plains of United States of America</font>

The result is that the user cannot go back into the site because the
application.cfm and index.cfm pages are checking for the logged in value.  I
also clear the cache through meta entries so that the user has no access
that way.

Richard Kern

-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Bromby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 2:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFHEADER

This didn't work. Has anyone done this? Again - I want to allow users to
logout. If they then use the BACK feature in their browser, I don't want
them to be able to see the page they logged out from.

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