Hmmm...I was thinking svn:externals was more for your working copy.
With SVK, I set up a mirror of Rays svn in my svn (svk calls it a
depot).  Then I tell it to sync to my /trunk .  Then I tell it to copy
from /trunk to /local.  Now, whenever I want to make changes to it, I
check out the local version, I can make all the changes that I want to
and I can also update the trunk version from Ray's.  At any point I
can diff or smerge my version and Rays.

On 4/2/07, Dinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Crazily enough, I've got almost the exact same situation as yerzelf.
> SVN:externals.  Love it.  Live it.  L-word it.
> Using patch files is quite awesomely nifty too...

I need to get more acquainted with the other functionality beyond
commit and update :)

> *        *         *
> Qs or Cs?  Holla!  :-P
> On 4/2/07, Zaphod B wrote:
> > I use the ever present BlogCFC for a couple of blogs.  Each blog has a
> > little bit different layout, but that's about it.  I'm trying to
> > figure out how I could set up the Subversion repository and include
> > Ray's subversion repository to be something like this:
> >
> > /trunk/(Ray's SVN - still updateable whenever Ray does an update)
> > /local/(My tweaks to the actual cfc - mainly allowing for ldap 
> > authentication)
> > /blog1/(a copy from local/client - with site customizations)
> > /blog2/(same as above)
> > /blogN+1/

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