Thanks Dave and Kevin,  this is indeed very helpful.

The plan is at business plan stage now.  I was asked "does this WSE
Security thing mean it's going to be doable if we go ahead or not?"
The management people are discussing all the business and legal
aspects of the two sites working together, and if they go ahead, then
the two sites are going to have to pass a lot of info back and forth
including money and personal information.   Their site is much bigger
than ours and they use WSE Security.

So we needed to know up front if it's going to be doable or not.   The
deal they're talking about is far bigger in impact than the technical
issue of the web site.  If it comes down to it,  the IT guys are going
to be told "make it happen, dont give me reasons why it cant be done.
If you have problems, get around them!"   So at this point we needed
to know if 'they", a much bigger site than ours will need to be asked
to change the way they handle security.  Not a good look for this

The bottom line, for now, is that it's tricky and messy but doable, I think.

When/if the deal proceeds  it'll be some late nights and studying I think.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On 4/4/07, Kevin Aebig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I first looked into this and than we decided to simply run authentication
> over SSL to protect our services. In our situation, the amount of
> development didn't justify the end result.
> We also found that even with the Java upgrade to allow the Encrypt tag more
> functionality, we had problems as .NET defaults to UTF-16 whereas CF uses
> UTF-8 which can play havoc while passing encoded initialization vectors and
> encrypted strings.
> If you end up trying to conquer this, let me know and I'd be happy to work
> on this with you.
> Cheers,

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