Thanks for the plug, Charlie.   I added an exclamation point in my  
"Charlie's List" for each of your feature requests ;-)

On a side note to that I've been pretty busy of late with my head  
down re-architecting the admin UI and comments functionality.  A  
bunch of changes which you (and Ben Nadel) suggested are in there,  
but since I took the time to convert the old code over to an MVC  
pattern and separate all of the presentation from the logic while I  
was monkeying around, CFBlog will have to be patched all at once  
instead of incrementally.  Hope you can wait a couple more weeks. :-)

For Vince:

Vince, the BF Enterprise Portal has some pretty nice features based  
on what it sounds like you need.  Feel free to e-mail me off-list if  
you want to take a test drive and I'll get you a demo portal to play  
with.     One advantage to using the hosted service is that we can  
fully integrate with the server for things like separate domains for  
portals and individual blogs.

For Nate:

Nate,  responding  to your reply later in this thread, I'm sorry.  I  
don' t get comments e-mails for the old BF dev blog  and I'm actually  
going to be consolidating the CFBlog Admin Blog as the only  
Blogfusion "Dev" blog since CFBlog always gets upgrades before any of  
the other portals.

I just checked your comment.   If you want to follow up with that and  
discuss, shoot me and e-mail off list and I'll go more into detail  
with a response to your concerns.   I'm not trying to duck it, mind  
you,  it's a more detailed response than I'm ready to type at 2AM :-)


Jon Clausen

On Apr 6, 2007, at 1:16 PM, Charlie Griefer wrote:

> The only thing I can offer up is that I use BlogFusion's hosted blog
> ( and I'm pretty happy with it.
> I don't know how the features of the cfblog sites compare with the
> features of the Enterprise Blog Portal software, but overall I'm
> pretty happy (altho there are a few features I'd like to see added).
> I will offer up a HUGE recommendation for the guys behind BlogFusion
> tho.  Whenever I've had an issue (be it a bug or an enhancement
> request), Jon (Clausen) has always been right on top of it.  When I
> say there are some features I'd like to see added... that's true, but
> there have also been new features added (pretty quickly) that were
> added as a result of my requests/suggestions.
> If customer service is important to you, I wouldn't hesitate to look
> closely at the BlogFusion offerings.
> On 4/6/07, Vince Collins ( <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Multiple Blogs, Multiple Users, Overall Aggregated Portal of all  
>> Blogs.
>> I'm thinking of adding blogs to an existing commercial site.  I  
>> want my
>> current customer base to have the option of creating one to many  
>> blogs
>> under their existing account.  Also having the option of more than  
>> one
>> user allowed to post blogs is desirable.  I would also like for  
>> them to
>> choose a short URL for their blog such as
>> and have that created when the  
>> blog is
>> created behind the scenes.
>> Has anyone done this using an existing CF-based or other blog
>> application?  Does it comply with that blog application user license?
>> I noticed that BlogFusion's Enterprise Blog Portal might be along the
>> lines of what I was thinking of doing.  Does anyone use  
>> BlogFusion?  I'm
>> not sure it will be flexible enough to have it all hosted there since
>> I'd like to be able to tie it all into the larger premise of the  
>> site.
>> Any help, suggestions, or experience with BlogFusion, BlogCFC,  
>> BlogCFM
>> or other tools would be much appreciated.
>> Best Regards,
>> Vince Collins
>> PS:  Ray Camden, if you are listening, have you allowed BlogCFC to be
>> used for this sort of use?  Your user license is dependent on other
>> underlying code bases so it's a bit fuzzy if I would be able to do  
>> this
>> sort of thing.  I would not rule out the option of paying a  
>> license fee
>> or provide a nice donation if that might be an option.

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