Also check your exception log.  Even if an error does make it to the browser
it should be logged there.

Jaime Metcher

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2007 6:58 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: cfcontent excel session and url variables
> Hi William,
> We also use this method for handling excel formatting of reports,
> although we use the form scope, not the URL. We have also seen the
> "could not open ...." error. After much investigation, we found that
> this error was due to a CF error that would naturally not propagate
> through to excel. The way we fixed it was to run the report with the
> cfcontent/cfheader commented out, and see the actual CF error, fix it,
> uncomment the cfcontent/cfheader and run it again. In every case, we
> were able to fix the problem. Usually it was a reference to an
> undefined variable causing the problem.
> Also, you should probably wrap your URL variables in a
> urlencodedformat() for good measure (we also encrypt ours, but
> depending on your requirements that may not be necessary).
> Cheers,
> Kris
> > A question relating to cfcontent and session variables, with a
> hint of URL variables.
> >
> > We are migrating from a relatively open system to one that has
> a login and session management.  We have stumbled across
> something that seems to be behaving oddly, though I don't know
> why.  We have a coldfusion page that will generate a report as
> HTML.  If the user selects a button to save it to excel, it runs
> the same page, but inserts the
> >
> > <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/" reset="yes">
> > <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="filename=myreport.xls">
> >
> > at the top.  The only other difference, is the variables to
> generate are passed through as URL variables.  Before adding the
> session, they worked fine. Now though, and it is not all
> situations, it almost seems like IE or Excel are trying to open a
> new instance of IE outside of the session in an attempt to
> download the file.  As I said though, it is not all.  This link...
> >
> > reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,
> 2005&DATEPARAMSLENGTH=1&reportlevel=National&reporttype=ABC&report
> param=465&saveToFile=yes
> >
> > does not work, with excel popping up an error message saying
> "Cold not open
"http://mysite/reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,
> Now, if I run a slightly different report type, the exact same url with
maybe another parameter like this
> reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,
> It opens fine, no issues.  The only thing I found that may fix the problem
is changing the spaces in the url variable to %20  This falls into different
reports doing different things, not common code so there is a lot of places
to change it, with no full assurance that this will fix the issue.
> Anyone run into anything similar?
> Thanx!

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