Thats ok, i dont get here much either.

Im not sure what the issue is, I get the errors emailed to me and bring up the 
site and its all working, just not the cart and the cart has its own db (mysql 
not access)

I would really like to move this site to my vps server and see how it does.

back to the thread....
All the technologies seem to have a hard time with shared servers, what  I 
would like to see is cfm have a "special" server license for shared servers BUT 
limit the number of sites it can run. By doing that if makes it more affordable 
to buy more copies so the hosts can buy more and have less sites on them so 
they have a chance to run better. Must be the Apple user experience in me 
speaking out. Say if you could only have 25 sites on a server at once it would 
(in most cases) make for less crashes and improve the cfm experience which 
would help make it more desirable instead of cramming a zillion sites on it and 
having it crash and have ppl thinking its junk.

> Sorry for the late reply on this, I only check this list over the web 
> interface which has been down. But didn't want to let this go without 
> a response. If you are getting that many timeouts a day, you have 
> something else going on, because that is certainly not typical for my 
> software. Generally when I see this it's due to someone trying to run 
> on Access with too much traffic...or someone else is tying up a shared 
> DB connection regularly and causing the software to timeout getting 
> connections. There's nothing inherent in the software that will cause 
> timeouts but like most really complex ecommerce applications, it's 
> pretty DB intensive and that's always more noticeable in a shared 
> environment. My customers that run on dedicated servers simply don't 
> have the same problems. What is interesting to me though is that code 
> base really hasn't changed in the last 3 years...but I really didn't 
> see this problem much at all until the last year or so. I'm not sure 
> if that's something in CF7 that causes it to not work as well for 
> shared servers, or if web hosts are just loading more sites and it 
> just can't take the load. Or maybe something else altogether about 
> that environment. And yes, I've got a lot of changes to improve 
> performance of the application coming...but they really would have 
> minimal, if any effect on such problems. They make the pages load a 
> lot faster...but if ColdFusion can't get a DB connection, there's not 
> much I can do about that (other than handle the resulting error). 
> There's only so much I can do software-wise, short of dropping the 
> vast majority of features and giving people a bare-bones application 
> that does very little.   
> --- Mary Jo

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