Hmm, that sounds complicated. When you say RB, do you mean CFRB or something

And what are the sub reports for, in other words do they run concurently or
do they take certain reality space? If they take reality space then you
would need to look into a grow option, but my experience with sub reports is
that the sub report defines the space required.

It sounds like that the Report is not designed in the most efficent manner
for what you are trying to achieve.

On 4/13/07, Graham Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working with RB and have ran into a problem which I am unable to
> solve. My Report has 6 SubReports which I would like displayed one right
> under the other however I as a developer do not know how much space to
> give each subreport and this report will be used as documentation within
> the educational market. At the present time I have text within various
> subreports overlapping and would like to know if this can be solved if
> it can not be solved, is their anything in existence that can create
> semi-complex reports which will be displayed via the web. The
> educational agency that this application is for can not afford Crystal
> Reports so moving to that is out of the question.
> What are people doing to create professional semi-complex reports for
> their applications.
> --
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