
Thats why your own IsUserInRole() would be the way to go.

That way you can break out of the loop and return true or false, so then
this will work for you

<cfif myIsUserInRole(userPermissions,"admin,backup,security,docManager")>
 Not allowed

On 4/15/07, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have done my own.  There are lots of reasons why the cflogin system
> was not appropriate for this site,  but most was that the CFLOGIN is
> too one-size-fits-all for the organisation.
> I have already built the security on this site - it's been in place
> for 18 months now but i need to improve the way we contorl who does
> what.  Now each page, each part of the site will have a set of
> authorisations attached to it and only people with those permissions
> will be able to do those functions for that page.
> But anyway that wasnt my question.   I'm not going to debate
> architecture decisions that were made ages ago and changing them would
> require a LOT of rewriting.  Honestly, I do wish when someone asks a
> question on this list like "How do I fix the problem with my Ford's
> front wheel?"  there wouldnt be a whole host of answers like "you
> should be driving a BMW." or "you should have bought a green car
> instead."
> My question was about how to compare two lists, and see if there is at
> least one common value.     A way other than looping through one list
> and looking for each value in turn in the other list that is.
> Is there are more elegant way to do it than something like :
> <cfset UserPermissions = "1000,1003,1005,1006,1007" /> (from the
> user's login details held in the user.cfc)
> <cfset Permissionsrequired = "1003,6048,6484,7809" /> (held in the
> page header for that
> page - a dynamic list compiled as the page is called)
>        <cfset OkToGo = false />
> <cfloop list = "#UserPermissions#" index="i">
>   <cfset OkToGo = listfind(Permissionsrequired, "#i#") />
> </cfloop>
> <cfif OkToGo is false>
>        <cflocation addtoken="no" url="/index.cfm" />
>        <cfabort>
> </cfif>
> This all seems a bit clumsy to me but it will work.   What i dont like
> about it is that it'll loop through all of hte user's permisson
> values, even if it finds a mark on the first one.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On 4/15/07, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mike, thats the only method in CF that is the simplest without doing
> your
> > own IsUserInRole()...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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