>On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:57 PM, tracy sanchez wrote:
>> I currently do have some single page forms that I use this code to  
>> capture the IP Address:
>> <cfset ipaddress="#cgi.remote_addr#">
>> <cfset IPArray = listToArray(IPAddress,".")>
>> <cfset IPNumber= (IPArray[1] * (256)^3) + (IPArray[2] * (256)^2) +  
>> (IPArray[3] * 256) + IPArray[4]>
>I'm not sure why you would have separate forms to capture the IP  
>address, since that  is available in your CGI variables.  Are you  
>using CFHTTP to post to those forms in some way?  That would explain  
>the why the value you're getting is the servers IP.
>On your duplicate values, I would suggest checking your query.  It  
>looks like you've got quite a few fields on your INSERT statement.  I  
>would suggest looking at that query again and see if you have your  
>list of query params out of order with your field list.   Ditto for  
>your SELECT queries where you are retrieving the results.
>Also, what are you trying to accomplish by converting the IP address  
>into an IP number (with the array)?  That's not a slam on you, just  
>trying to get clarification.  I assume you're just looking to store  
>the only address as a simple value in your db for tracking purposes,  

No offense taken Jon.

I probably should explain to you that this cart was built by a guy who's 
friends with the owner of our company and since he provided it to us free and 
he's very busy with his own job, I've kind of been made the guy to take on 
customizing the cart, so I'm a newbie to Coldfusion.

I've picked up very quickly and have made single page forms. When making these 
pages I found the code in a forum that someone posted for retrieving the 
IPaddress. So that explains the array code.

We want to capture our customers IPaddress to protect us and our clients 
against any fraudulent charges.

I'll check the order of the queries.

Thanks for the reply.

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