Hello Less and listers,

I applaud your approach with this captia solution. As one who uses a screen
reader to access applications and Web sites these captias are a real problem
for those who must use this technology to gain access to secured areas of a
Web site. The traditional, "Copy the letters/numbers you see in to the field
below" captia effectively locks blind people out of areas of Web sites and
computer applications where this type of captia is used. Having a captia
that displays a text string that can be read by screen readers that asks a
question and provides one with an edit field to write their answer would
allow you to secure your forms and still make it possible for blind persons
using screen reading software to gain full access to protected areas of your
Web site. Since traditional captia information is presented as an OCR image
these cannot be read by screen readers, but text strings can.

    If you're able to create a CF Captia I'd love to see the code myself and
would consider using it on my Web sites as well. I'll be following this
thread with interest.

Peter Donahue

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: CF CAPTCHA - need help!

Though I'm using captcha solutions for most of my main clients (and
server side too, thank you), I've been toying around with ideas on a
smaller site or two owned by myself just to see what would happen.

A very simple "Does a cow "moo", "bark", "howl", "mew" or "whistle"?"
question with a blank to write in the correct answer with a simple cfif
after submission to check for the correct response has, for over a
month, stopped 100% of the form spams I was getting. I have an email
alert sent to myself just so I can see what's hitting the form, and it's
10 to 20 bots a day...

For a second test, I've placed a "fake" form in front of the real one
and hidden it with CSS. The form bots fill this one out, and never get
to the real form on the page. It's been 100% effective as well against
10 to 20 bots a day...

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