>I've tried a few ways to force a page to refresh, no joy so far.
>have tried cfheader, adding a time stamp to the url and a meta no-cache.
>Page 1: form with file field
>page 2: processes file upload, thumbnailing etc, and returns user to page 1
>the problem being that the old image shows unless the user hits refresh in
>the browser.
>Any ideas please?

Wrap this code block into a custom tag and call it from the top of the page:

<!--- Don't allow this page to be cached --->
<CFSET gmts = gettimezoneinfo()>
<CFSET gmt = gmts.utcHourOffset>
<CFIF gmt>
        <CFSET gmt = "+" & gmt >
        <CFSET gmt = "">
<CFHEADER NAME="Pragma" VALUE="no-cache">
<CFHEADER NAME="Cache-Control" VALUE="no-cache, must-revalidate">
<CFHEADER NAME="Last-Modified" VALUE="#DateFormat(now(), 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy')# 
#TimeFormat(now(), 'HH:mm:ss')# GMT#gmt#">
<CFHEADER NAME="Expires" VALUE="Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT">


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