One of the major groups not able to use JS that has been discussed
are those in corporate settings that don't allow JS...

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 9:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Client-side validation or Server-side Validation?

Honestly? Are there people out there who "can't use javascript"? Who would
those people be? As for people who CHOOSE to turn off javascript? Well
you're just asking for a sad user experience. That's like saying "I want to
look at web pages, but I also want to turn off HTML, or images." or
something like that.

Bear in mind that I don't agree with their decision to use javascript to
display pages...that's what plain URLs are for. Why on earth would a store
need to AJAX to display products. That's assinine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Client-side validation or Server-side Validation?

An interesting side note to our recent JS discussion...

I went over to the Adobe/Macromedia store to look over the products and
noticed they were using JS, etc., to change their page content without

I decided to turn off active scripting to see what happened... and I got a
message stating that I couldn't see parts of the site and that JS was
required to view the site!

Seems like Macromedia has adopted the "Turn on Javascript or you can't use
our site" perspective and left those who refuse or can't use it out in the

I may do the same thing... how do they detect whether or not JS is available
on a browser and trigger the message that a visitor must have JS running?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 6:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Client-side validation or Server-side Validation?


>I see that page and the code's role in displaying the message.
>But the part that I'm trying to figure is how ex2_process.cfm is 
>working to provide the validation and return that message to 
>ex2_process.cfm is the page doing your server-side validation, right?
>ex2.3_mailing_list_validation.cfm is just your client-side validation, 
>form, and error/success message display page, correct?

Well this form is extremely simple--it was done for a presentation. So I'm
going to explain the functionality as if it was a larger form.

Basically the ex2_process.cfm validates all the data on via server-side
validation rules. If there are any errors, I build a complex variable (a
struct or an array) to hold the errors in. 

If there are errors in the form, instead of processing the form--the main
form page is displayed again--which handles displaying of the error
messages--and ex2_process.cfm stops processing code.

As an added wrinkle, trying signing up for mailing list w/the e-mail address
I'm posting from. This is mean to emulate something you can only validate on
the server. You'll also notice that no JS error is thrown, that the error is
generated by the server--because the page is reloaded.

Once you full grasp whats going on, I'll show you code that allows you to
improve on that.


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