In light of what has happened with the shooting, K-12 School
corporations here in Indiana have been doing SMS Messages through my
Coldfusion SMS Gateway running CF5 and CF6 for the past 6 years. My
office was even recognized in a local newspaper when we had a similar
situation as being the resource to get emergency notices out during a
hostage situation and then a school fire when telephone lines became
unavailable due to the disaster. Since these couple of situations most
schools have added this type of communication to their disaster plans
and perform routine drills which keeps everyone involved current so when
this happens for real damage will be kept to a minimum.

What makes my gateway different is I have programmed a way for CF to
communicate with the Cell Phone Providers via the Industry Standard
which is the TAP Protocol and the Simple Network Paging Protocol.
Allowing Coldfusion to communicate with the Cell Providers in this
manner cuts out the SMSC and the Agregator services and still provides
the timely delivering of the message to the end user.

> For CF7 & SMS info: start here.  Lots of campuses can use this, and in the 
> case of the shootings last week, had a warning system bee in place it, could 
> have saved lives.  
> The Event Gateway architecture in CF7 is very, very fast, scalable and is 
> carrier certified (passed all SMPP provider Cigular/ATT Wireless 
> certification tests).  You can run American Idol on it, it's that fast and 
> resilient, and you can notify your entire campus in seconds.  
> Damon

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