I am using spry to display subcategories based on a selected category in
a drop down. I need a way to display this div <div>There were no
subcategories found for the selected category</div> when there was no
subcategories found and then if there were to display the div below. So
far it works fine when there are subcategories found.
<div id="scats" spry:region="dsSubcats" style="margin-left:10px;
height:100px; width:200px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid ##000000;
float:left; background-color:##efefef;">
<strong>Select Subcategories:</strong>
<ul class="createAccountForm">
 <li style="line-height:18px; " spry:repeat="dsSubcats">
 <input type="checkbox" name="Subcategory" value="{CATEGORYID}"
{CHECKED}  />{ds_RowNumber} {CATEGORYNAME}

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