Interesting - changing the value of #encCODE# to a longer string seems 
to have fixed the problem.

Haven't tested with every possible combination of letters/numbers on the 
input yet, so ya never know - but it seems to like 2s now. Very odd...

> For this code:
> <cfif IsDefined("form.myVAR") AND #form.myVAR# NEQ "">
>    <cfset encrpt_myVAR=encrypt("#trim(FORM.myVAR)#","#encCODE#")>
> </cfif>
> Figure this out. Here's a few test:
> -----------------------------------------------
> Form Entry: 2222      Decrypted output: 2222
> Form Entry: 22222     Decrypted output: 2222=
> form Entry: 222222    Decrypted output: 222222
> form entry: 33333332  Decrypted output: 3333333=
> form entry: abcdef2   Decrypted output: abcdef2
> form entry: abcdef32  Decrypted output abcdef3=
> form entry: abcdef33  Decrypted output abcdef33
> I can pretty much put anything I want into the form field and it 
> encrypts correctly - UNLESS it ends in a "2". Then it's screwed - 
> sometimes. I can't tell if the problem is on the encrypt or decrypt side 
> either.
> During these test, the var "encCODE" was kept constant. I haven't tried 
> yet, but wonder if changing it would make a difference. Will try that next.
> Something I'll get a ">" some instead of the equal sign. It's ONLY a "2" 
> that does this. WTF?
> Any ideas at all? Is there a patch from the version below to fix this? 
> It's driving myself and a client insane right now!!!
> Level: Enterprise
> Name: ColdFusion Server
> Version 7,0,2,142559

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