i don't believe that'll work as intended.

you can always use listLast() using the period as a delimiter to get
those last octals and -then- use the BETWEEN operator.

also, you could convert the addresses to their integer counterparts.
i believe the formula is:

(first octet * 16777216) + (second octet * 65536) + (third octet *
256) + (fourth octet)

and use the BETWEEN operator on ther resulting integers.

On 4/27/07, Elena Aminova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the correct way to write the following?
> I need to redirect a user based on his/her IP address range if the 
> CGI.REMOTE_ADDR falls between 2 IP address ranges or if using a netmask.
> <CFIF (#Left(CGI.REMOTE_ADDR, 13)# between ('' and 
> ''))>
> <cflocation url=.....> etc
> Can I use the between function like above?
> Please advise....

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