Thanks Jon,

I can appreciate your thoughts on the IIS not duplicating those settings,
I'll be sure to keep my eye on things for the future when having problems
with this stuff, or my remoting.

Unfortunately I don't have anything at all complex on my chart as far as
modifications are concerned, it's simply got skin="blue" and that's about
it, nothing more complex with colours or fonts, I tend to define that stuff
in the XML if I plan on making anything serious style changes.

I really am lost, I mean it's not the end of the world as the PNG works a
charm for the moment, but it's just frustrating not knowing what's causing

Thanks again for your help Jon,


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Clausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 May 2007 16:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Flash Chart


Sorry that didn't help.  I don't want you to think I didn't read your  
original post:  Sometimes the Wildcard can be configured correctly in  
the IIS default site, but doesn't make the transfer to a single site,  
depending on how that creation is done (i.e. using a control panel,  
copying from an existing, etc).

One other thing to check:  Are you passing any skin settings (i.e.  
color,font, etc) to the chart?  If so, if you  create the chart  
without any design/font parameters does that make a difference?  I  
know there are a limited number of colors that cfchart accepts as  
well as limitations on fonts.


On May 1, 2007, at 11:03 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

> Thanks Jon,
> That mapping is already configured in my IIS and is unchecked for  
> ensuring
> the file exists, I've also had a look around my CF admin and can't see
> anything abnormal, like I say, its working on other sites on the same
> server, it would seem that the finger should be pointing at my  
> code, but
> it's not as if its complex.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Clausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 01 May 2007 15:47
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Flash Chart
> Robert,
> Have you checked your Flash Remoting settings in the CF Admin?  If
> you're running IIS, you may need to set the wildcard handler and
> uncheck the "Verify File Exists" setting for the site in IIS.    That
> error can be caused by IIS 404'ing the Flash object that CF is trying
> to serve.
> You can see my reply to a previous post here: http://
> HTH,
> Jon
> On May 1, 2007, at 10:30 AM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
>> Hello Guys,
>> I'm having problems with a flash based CFCHART. When the chart is
>> set to jpg
>> or png it renders fine but when set to flash it doesn't appear in the
>> browser and I get a 'page done but with errors' on the bottom of my
>> browser.
>> I have flash charts on other apps on the same server and they work
>> just
>> fine. Any ideas what might be causing this?
>> The error on the browser says 'line: 208 , error: object expected' or
>> something like that.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob

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