Part of our database includes legal clauses that our title companies use
on commitments and policies and such.  As we convert new companies over
to our new system we are constantly asked to import hundreds of new
clauses into the database.  The problem is, most of the clauses are
ALMOST identical to existing clauses and can be weeded out. Usually
there are just slight verbiage differences.  The only way for me to do
that now is to print them all out, place them side by side and visually
find the similarities.  Is there an easy way to programmatically match
each new clause (just a text field) to the existing ones and get back an
instant list of close matches.  It would be great to even have a
percentage of closeness or something.


I know code like this can be written because of programs like Araxis

Ideas?  This would save me hours of work, but I'm not sure where to



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