Here is the ColdFusion and Fusebox news:

* New CFUNITED attendee Interview Video and Journey to CFUNITED contest
* MiniMAX June 26th, pre-CFUnited conference
* CFLive Schedule
* IPv6 Conference 5/10/07
* New sponsor Savvy Software
* New CFUNITED podcasts released
  - Tom Link - Flex 2.0 Event Model
  - Sean Corfield - Objects and Persistence
* Fusebox new samples apps under development
* Interview with Sandra Clark on "Testing for Accessibility"

    "It is the largest conference for CF targeted specifically for 
developers. It is run
    by developers for developers. I can learn from other developers real 
world experience
    and real user case studies so I can see what my collegues at other 
organizations are
    doing. And it is just a great time to be had by all."
    -Barbara ONeal (CFUNITED attendee)

Other great quotes from attendees about "Why people should attend CFUnited"

* New CFUNITED attendee Interview Video and Journey to CFUNITED contest

Have you seen the interview video on our homepage yet? Yeah, the one 
with Rob Gonda's face on it. We
put together a little something from interviews we conducted at CFUnited 
2006. See peoples reactions
to our event and hear what they like about CFUnited.

Thank you CFDynamics for helping us publish the video online. Also 
Nafisa, a CFUnited staff member,
will be putting together the next video soon. She is conducting a new 
contest for attendees.

Contest rules and results:

Tell us your journey to CFUnited and what you are looking forward to 
most. Post your short video on
YouTube with CFUNITED Journey in the title, email to nafisa (at) with CFUNITED Journey
in the subject line and she will choose 3 entries to post on our home 
page. Those who get re-posted
on our website will get fame, fortune and be given a $50 gift 
certificate to BestBuy! Submit entries
by June 5th. Have fun!

Here are some ideas:

* the moment when you receive your pamphlet in the mail
* telling your friends about CFUnited
* choosing your sessions online
* when you receive your cap or t-shirt in the mail
* tell us what you look forward to the most
* funny tales about your past experiences
* footage/pictures from your journey last year

- the journey can be put together with photo's, video, animation, etc
Entries will be judged on originality, humor and how well they convey 
the spirit of CFUNITED. All
entries grant permission to TeraTech to display them on the CFUNITED 
website, at the show and in
other media.

-final video should be no longer then 5 mins long.

* MiniMAX June 26th, pre-CFUnited conference

Join dataTV's Adam Bell for the prelude to the CFUnited Conference on 
Tuesday Evening, June 26th at
8PM ET at the Marriott Hotel in North Bethesda, MD for MiniMAX's seventh 
annual event.

This event is free to anyone who wants to attend. You don't even need to 
be registered for CFUnited
to join Adam Bell and friends at this fun evening event!

You must signup to reserve a seat at

* CFLive Schedule

We will be holding a series of online talks with CFUNITED speakers 
starting next Thursday. Watch out
for the URL next week.

5/10/07 Charlie Arehart New in CFMX 6&7: What Did You Miss?
5/17/07 Simon Horwith - Architecting and Optimizing CF Applications for 
Performance and Scalability
5/24/07 Rob Gonda Flex Intensive for ColdFusion Developers
5/31/07 O?uz Demirkap? Multi Language Applications in CF in Theory and 
6/7/07 Peter Bell "Practical Code Generation: By Example"
6/14/07 Patrick Quinn UI design concepts
6/21/07 Mark Drew "CFeclipse Plus!"
6/28/07 Live from show

* IPv6 Conference 5/10/07
There are less than 8 days left register for The New New Internet: IPv6 
Conference coming to
Arlington VA on May 10th!  The event covers the most important and 
timely IPv6 issues with some
first time appearances including:

* First-time panel with the entire CIO Council IPv6 Working Group
* Carol Bales - Senior Policy Analyst, OMB
* Fred Schobert - Networx Program Manager, GSA
* Dr. Ray Johnson - CTO Lockheed Martin
* Dr. John D. Howard - Deputy Director of National Intelligence for 
Intelligence Community
Enterprise Services
* Jim Bound - CTO IPv6 Forum
* Brad Ryan - Chief Technical Architect, Juniper Networks

For the most up-to-date information and registration visit:

Please use the following link to get $25 off your registration by using 
my promotion code "JDK07":

* New CFUNITED Sponsor, Savvy Software

We have a new Bronze LevelSponsor! Savvy Software is the developer of
Savvy Content Manager - rapidly becoming the go to solution for web 
content management
More at

* New CFUNITED podcasts released

  - Tom Link - Flex 2.0 Event Model
  - Sean Corfield - Objects and Persistence

Tom Link - Flex 2.0 Event Model

Understanding the Flex event model is critical to developing powerful 
Flex applications. Further,
using the event model to build your own components and architect your 
application, while not
required, is considered an important best practice for building scalable 
and maintainable
applications. While developers experienced with other languages that 
utilize the DOM event model
(e.g. Java and JavaScript) are usually familiar with concepts related to 
the event model, many
ColdFusion developers struggle with this important concept. This session 
will discuss the event
model, why it is important, how it is implemented in Flex's core 
architecture, and how custom
components and application architecture can utilize events to foster 
scalable and maintainable Flex
applications. This session will also discuss a related conceptual hurdle 
for web programmers  the
asynchronous nature of Flex applications. We'll discuss how this relates 
to both the event model and
integration with backend systems like ColdFusion.

Sean Corfield - Objects and Persistence

With tools springing up like weeds in the object / persistence space, 
it's hard to keep track of the
options available to us! This talk will look at a variety of libraries, 
tools and techniques for
assisting developers solve the persistence problem. The talk will also 
examine the term "Object
Relational Mapping" (ORM) and look at conflicts between object model 
design and relational table design.

* Fusebox new samples apps under development

Kevin Roche and the Fusebox sample apps group are working on
several new sample apps to help people learn Fusebox 5. If you want
to see want they are working on or suggest other sample app go to:

If you want to help out with Fusebox then reply to this email.

* Interview with Sandra Clark on "Testing for Accessibility"

Michael Smith: This time we are talking with Sandra Clark about
her CFUNITED-07 talk "Testing for Accessibility". So why should a
developer come to your session Sandy ?

Sandy  Clark: Accessibility is still a scary subject for a lot of
people.  Mostly because its difficult to quantify what
accessibility and testing for it entails.  Many people want to
rely on an automated tool and have that be all that has to be
done.  Unfortunately, there is no automated tool out there that
can definitively test a web page.

If we know what to test for, then we also know how to develop
accessible web sites.

MS: And why is accessibility so important these days?

SC: Well there are two answers to this.  The "Legal" answer and
the "Good for Business Answer".

Lets start with the "Good for Business" Answer.


Studies show that approximately 10-15% of the US population has
some sort of functional disability that hinders their use of the
internet. With a population of 300 million, that comes out to
anywhere from 30 to 45 million people. A Danish study in 2004
says that 25% of all web users have some sort of disability.
That’s a lot of people who need accessibility built into web
pages in order to use your pages. That’s a lot of business to

The "Legal" Answer


For the executive branch of the Federal Government as well as
states and universities, the simple answer is that it’s the law.
For businesses and organizations, there are more court challenges
now that can affect you.  One is the National Association of the
Blind vs. Target.  A judge recently ruled that Target can indeed
be sued for not being accessible.  The court case is ongoing, but
was brought under the American with Disabilities (ADA) law.  If
Target loses, then web accessibility will be part of the ADA.  In
support of this are two consent degrees in the State of New York
with Priceline and Ramada which required their web sites to be

Internationally, there is a case whereby PMI (Project Management
Institute), a US based company with no presence in the UK was
found liable under the UK Disability Discrimination Act.  This
means that if your company does business with or is available to
citizens of the UK (right now and possibly other countries later
on), you can be found liable under the UK Disability
Discrimination Act.

Another argument and the one I feel is most important, is simply
a moral one.  It’s the right thing to do to allow everyone equal
access to our information.

MS: Well that certainly makes a good case for accessibility. I am
glad we follow these practices at TeraTech when writing new
sites! But what if you have an existing site? How can you test if
it is accessible?

SC:  Well in reality, that’s what my talk is about.  How to go
about testing.  Testing of new sites can be done in the prototype
phase if you are using something like FLIP to identify areas that
are problematic.  Actually an accessibility expert should be
included in the requirements stage to identify if the
architecture to be used can be made accessible or other steps
will be necessary.  Its cheapest to do it at this stage.

New sites should also be tested for accessibility prior to user
acceptance testing and in the testing stages.  An existing site
can be tested at any time, and its basically the same standard of
testing for all.  Remember that remediation of an existing site
to bring it up to accessible standards is always going to be much
more expensive than incorporating accessibility during initial

MS: So what tools are there for testing accessibility and how
good do you think they are?

SC:  Well, that is the gist of my entire talk Michael.  Yes,
there are tools that ostensibly test for accessibility, but none
of them do a good job.  They can't, because accessibility is
subjective, its not something that can be quantified into an

MS: Are these tools expensive?

SC: Tools range from free to major amounts of money.  The amount
of money spent does not correlate to how good the tool is.

MS: Will you demo any of them at your talk?

SC:  I will be demoing a few things at my talk, but I hope that
automated testing tools don't become the focus.  I'd rather talk
about techniques and what to look for.  "After all teach a man to

MS: Cool, I will look forward to seeing you at CFUNITED

You can see more interviews at

CFUNITED-06 is Wed 6/27/07 - Sat 6/30/07 in Bethesda MD, just
outside Washington DC.

It costs $949 until 3/31/06 then $1049. For more information on


Testing for Accessibility


How does one test for accessibility?  What are the requirements
of a tester?  What tools are out there for testing?  Is there one
tool that will do it all? Sandra Clark, will go through the
process of testing for accessibility and try to provide a ray of
light in the murkiness that is testing for Accessibility

Speaker Bio:

Sandra Clark, an advanced Macromedia Certified ColdFusion
developer, is a Senior Software Developer with the Constella
Group in Bethesda, Maryland. She has contributed material to the
ColdFusion 5.0 Certified Developer Study Guide published by
Syngress Media/Osborne McGraw Hill and to the ColdFusion
Developers Journal. She has also spoken at various CFUGS and
ColdFusion User Conferences around the country. Sandra is an
active proponent of applying accepted and proven web standards to
development as a way of improving accessibility as well as making
life easier on developers. She can be reached at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sandra also maintains a website and
blog at, where she
shares information on CSS, Accessibility, Fusebox, Coldfusion and
also offers training classes.

Come to the premier ColdFusion conference of 2007 in Washington DC area 
(Four whole days). Note that you could spend the whole CFUNITED 
conference at Advanced CF topics, or
learning CF in the bootcamp or learning Flex and Apollo in our Flex 
track. Or deployment issue or
empowered programming or SQL! Plus in depth pre-conference classes from 
nationally know experts.
Check it out at

* Speakers include top names like Simon Horwith, Charlie Arehart,
  Hal Helms, Michael Dinowitz, Ray Camden, Ben Forta and many more respected
  CF authors and presenters.

* Great tracks:
   * Bootcamp - Basic ColdFusion and Flash topics
   * Advanced - Advanced ColdFusion topics
   * Manager/Empowered - Fusebox and Project management topics
   * Flex/RIA - Flash, Flex and other technologies integrated with CF topics
   * Accessibility / usability - section 508, CSS and disabled access
   * Deployment/Platform - tuning, install issues, OS, picking a database

* Included in your full conference registration is the following:

     * Attendance for 4 days (6/27/ - 6/30/07)
     * Keynote and General Sessions
     * All conference sessions including repeat sessions on Saturday
     * Entrance to Expo Area
     * Networking Events
     * Badge and Badge holder with bar scan code
     * Free Lunch for each show day (Dinner is not included)
     * Access to all presentations after the event, including all the 
     * Promotional bag with materials including show guide, CD, coupons, 
     * Opportunity to participate in all raffle drawings

* Can't stay 4 days Wed - Sat? Optional 3-day and Saturday only packages
   available too. Saturday will consist of repeats the most popular 
   from the week - something many attendees asked for last year!

Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm)
TeraTech voted Best Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!
CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and consulting

405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA
Please check out - email 
or call us for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120,
+1-301-424-3903 International, Fax 301-762-8185  Thanks!


Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7 & Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


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