The loop from 1 to 24 probably makes sense if you always want a 24 row
output, regardless of the actual number of rows'll
probably have to validate the data as you loop/output to be sure
you're showing the correct data in the correct row and not
accidentally moving everything up a few hours if you have a hole in
the data..

On 5/4/07, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
> Morning Guys,
> I'm a little stumped on how to resolve this problem, hopefully someone will
> have a bright idea on how to achieve it. I have a bunch of table data which
> gets displayed hour on hour for a certain time period. This works absolutely
> perfectly at the moment, however the little annoyance occurs when the user
> is looking at today's information. If they look at any past dates then they
> get a nice full length table with 24 rows (one for each hour) but if they
> look at today's date then it'll only display the records that have been
> published into persistence up until that moment, so if they check it first
> thing in the morning they only get 6 or 7 rows of data.
> This isn't really a big deal, but it looks a little untidy for presentation
> purposes, and what I'd like to do if have a full set of 24 rows there, but
> only populate the ones that have information, then if for some reason the
> system went down for a couple of hours on a particular date it wouldn't end
> up with a funny 22 row table, it would just say 'no data' in the rows that
> it didn't have data for.
> Does that make sense? What's the best way to achieve this? I'm thinking
> perhaps a cfloop from 1 to 24 or something like that.
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Rob

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