Hi all,
  CF server 6.1...
  I've got a screen where I view property details.  Attached to the property 
  are a number of images - of varying sizes...  I currently do this:
  <cfif trim(products.Picture) NEQ "">
 src="images/camera.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="Click to view 
product image"></a>

  This has a number of problems:
  * it doesn't force fit the image
  * I can only view one image at the time
  * If I return to the calling screen without closing - when I want to view the 
next image 
    the PopUpWindow doesn't automatically get focus (although the image is 
  1) What would be the best method to open another window where the various 
  can be displayed - but forced to fit the size of the newly opened window?
  2) Do I pass in to the new window a list of images to be displayed (as image 
      and then go and get the images when the user go next / prev?
  3) How do I force the PopUp to be brought to the front (again)?
  Any help (especially if a snippet of code is included) would be greatly 
  Kind regards,

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