For the date format, add a simple mask:

<cfinput type="datefield" label="Date Received" name="daterecd"required="Yes" 
size="10" maxlength="10" message="Please enter the date theapplication was 
received" validate="date" validateat="onsubmit,onServer" mask="dd/mm/yyyy">

You will, of course, still want to be sure it's in the proper format going into 
your database, etc...

For the alert, call the following in the "onload" of your cfform:

<cfsavecontent variable="onLoad">
      alert("Please Select a State" ,'Hey there, User:',mx.controls.Alert.OK);

<cfform format="flash" name="test" onload="#onLoad#"........................>

I'm not sure about the order of validation popups...sorry!


>Hi all
>I'm working on Flash Forms for the first time and so far have most things
>worked out.
>A couple of things that I am still struggling with are as follows:
>I have the following snippet of code:
><cfinput type="datefield" label="Date Received" name="daterecd"
>required="Yes" size="10" maxlength="10" message="Please enter the date the
>application was received" validate="date" validateat="onsubmit,onServer">
>When the date is returned it is in MM/DD/YYYY format - how can I get it to
>display in DD/MM/YYYY format?
>I have validation on the form - how can I get error messages to be displayed
>in the order I would like them displayed rather than the order they appear
>from the system
>I have the following to enable a user to select from a list of states:-
><cfselect name="stateid" label="State" query="qGetStates" value="stprv_ID"
>display="stprv_code"  message="Please select a state" required="yes"
>selected="#Variables.stprv_ID#" />
>How can I display a "Please select from the list of states?" message to
>users when they open the page?
>Thanks in advance.

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