That was it - there was a default mapping i overlooked on that machine to "\" - 
removing it fixed the problem.

Sometimes you can stare at things too long!

>> 1 :
>> 2 : <cfinclude template="/application.cfm">
>> 3 :
>> For my life, I cannot figure out why. On the server that DOES 
>> work, we have no special CUSTOM TAG PATHS, no MAPPINGS,.and 
>> it works joyfully - its only on this new server.
>I'm fairly certain you're wrong about that. Any time you use a slash as the
>first character within the path for CFINCLUDE or CFMODULE, the path is
>always resolved via a mapping. I strongly suspect that you have at least one
>mapping; the one that comes with a default install of CF, and is mapped to
>wherever you specified as your web root during the install.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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