> At some stage this will be the only true solution:
> http://zapatopi.net/afdb/

Hah! Indeed it will

But until they make the model with the plastic-wrap inner-lining... there
are plenty of transparent methods to try. Quite a few people have solved
their spamming problem with a simple hidden field. I've explained it about
4000 times on this list but here goes 4001.

1) Place a normal field in your form with an enticing name like "toaddress"
or "email" or whatever. 
2) Put something like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in it or just leave it blank
3) Put a message next to it like "Do not modify this field blah blah" for
the humanoids to see
4) wrap the field and the message inside a div and use CSS to set the div's
display to 'none'
5) wrap a cfif around your cfmail that checks to see if the value of the
field has been changed. If it has been changed, don’t send the email, if it
hasn’t been, send it but either way... make it look like the email was sent.

Bots tend to fill out all fields and will see this field very easily. A
prick spammer who is manually using your form will also find it irresistible
to play with a field with such an enticing name.

This doesn't work with all spam. I'd say it has about a 50/50 success rate
since I started using it and explaining it to others. It's definitely worth
a shot since it only takes about 60 seconds to implement.

Another easy deterrent is to analyze the content that your spammer is
sending. Exampl: If your form has a separate field for first and last name,
90% of the time, those fields will have the same value in them and/or they
put an email address in every field except textareas.

A couple simple checks for any patterns you might find in your spam could
quite possibly stop it as well. Either way, real users are clueless to the
checks and uninterrupted by them in anyway.

The key is to NOT let the spammer know if the email was sent or not. Making
it look like it was a success keeps them from searching for another point of

If all else fails...

I know I wrote it, but I don’t use it anywhere; I've never needed to. ;-)

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