
Where's your blog?  I did google it - do you have any idea how many people
out there are pretending to be you?

Jaime Metcher

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2007 10:37 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Subversion Tutorial Posted
> Rick,
> I am, it will be a very lengthy tutorial. And should be up in the next
> couple of days. It is written for any number of team members, one
> or 20. But
> its not a rule, its a guide...
> On 5/12/07, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Boy... and to think I was really looking forward to reading this long
> > thread, hoping that, as I contemplate implementing Eclipse, CFEclipse,
> > and Subversion, that I would be able to confidently set up a new
> > working environment... but alas, all this thread has brought is
> confusion.
> >
> > It seems almost all perspectives offered in this thread revolves around
> > team environments.
> >
> > As a sole (as in the only developer on my projects) developer, the
> > question
> > remains, what would be the be approach to Subversion for me?
> >
> > Anyone blogged that in detail?  I'm sure the best (or at least very
> > acceptable)
> > practices to all for an solo developer would be, perhaps, very different
> > from team best practices... or are there 5,233 different perspectives on
> > that, too,
> > and I should be dive in and figure out what works best for me.
> >
> > Remember, after about 9 or 10 years of development on CF 4.5 without
> > upgrading
> > (going to CF8), I'm very comfortable with developing on my *production*
> > server,
> > which would cause most of you to pull your hair out in a team
> > environment...
> >
> > Rick
> >
> >

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