The most effective strategy I have found for selling CF is to show the
potential client several high profile sites that use CF.

This does two things:

1. It shows those eye-candy oriented executive types that CF and 'nice
looking site' are not mutually exclusive.

2. It rebuts the detractors who say that CF is not scalable and is thus
appropriate only for a mom and pop operation. 'How could that be true if
<insert well known company name here> is using it?'

Another fact of life that you can profit from is the fact that corporate
decision makers value control.

Show a decision maker how CF gives them more control over their
marketing/PR/commerce and they'll be eating out of your hand.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Selling CF to clients survey

What strategies do you use for selling the ColdFusion platform to
clients? What arguments do you run into and how do you over come them?
Please take the survey at

I will share ideas people have at my CFUNITED-07 talk on "Selling
ColdFusion to Clients" and will also blog about them at

If you want to read the presentation I gave at MDCFUG about this last
week see

Thanks for any feedback!

Due to TeraTech's growth we are seeking winning sales people
to sell custom software. For more details:

Michael Smith, TeraTech, Inc
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850
Voice: +1-301-424-3903 x110 Fax:301-762-8185
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 66057682
Winner in CFDJ awards Best Consulting. Member Team Fusebox.

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