I recently posted this about Ray Camden's projects and is related to the aim of 
your discussion:

Personally, I think Adobe should buy all the projects from you (and a framework 
like Coldbox or something) as a reward for all your hard work and then support 
at arms length an open source community/website/system around them. Now that 
would be incredibly helpful for CF and proactive on their part, though 
completely contrary to their Enterprise-down approach. (Maybe Bluedragon would 
be a better fit.) They should consider the projects as valuable add-ons to 
their server which actually serve the customer's higher goal of acting on the 
internet, not just coding. In a tiny market like CF, which is going to remain 
tiny until a decent free server appears, they need to be more nurturing; take 
more of a Singapore approach. Wouldn't it be cool if, just by using CF, you got 
access to a killer set of apps?

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