On 5/17/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron,
> Would you mind explaining some of the acronyms you threw around?
> Specifically: what is DI/ioC? What is ORM (I should know my CFUG just
> did a preso on Transfer I think, but I missed out)? You say, they all
> solve different problems. What are those problems, and how do these
> frameworks go about solving them? I can see that LW is LightWire, but
> you didn't tell us uninitiated what CS stood for. I personally
> understood the string of controller frameword initials you threw down,
> but for someone asking what to use two-letter initials probably don't
> help much.

The DeAcronym-ator:

MG: Model Glue
M2: Mach-ii
FB: Fusebox
CB: Coldbox
DI/ioC: Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control
CS: ColdSpring
LW: Lightwire
ORM: Object Relational Mapping
oB: Object Breeze (an ORM)

i think that was all of 'em :)

Charlie Griefer

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Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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