Hi all,

I am breaking my head over something, and I hope someone can tell me if, and 
how, this van be done.

A client wants some sort of 'Live helper' functionality on the website, where a 
web visitor fills in a form with a questions, that question is then delivered 
to an MSN account within the company. The company responds via MSN, and the 
response must then be shown to the user.

I have set up an MSN Gateway, I can send messages to the MSN account and 
receive messages from that MSN account. But I am not able to figure out how to 
show the user the response, other then letting the gateway add it to the DB, 
and let the app pull it from the DB. But I don't want to do that, because it is 
a lot of data to put in the DB.

Is there any other way?

Hope you can help!

Kind regards,


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