<cfloop from="1" to="#int(request.numTRAVEL)#" index="idx">

    <cfquery name="WRITE_ENROLL" >
       INSERT INTO mytable ( myNAME )
       VALUES ( <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
value=#form["myNAME" & idx]#> )


On 5/21/07, Les Mizzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doing a multiple row insert
> <
> Works fine until somebody enters "Bob O'Hara" into the form. I'm having
> a little trouble trying to escape the single quote in "O'Hara" while
> keeping the rest of the query intact.
> If if was a single record insert something like the below would work fine:
> '#Replace(form[myNAME],"'","''","ALL")#'
> Suggestions?

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