Hi andrew,

Here's my query to get the distinct buildings:
<cfquery name="distinctBuildings" dbtype="query">
select distinct(building) from empResult order by building desc

I have the whole page surrounded by a <CFOUTPUT> so i have to use a CFLOOP to 
ouput the queries.

"<cfif distinctBuilding.building neq "">"  <-- i'll change accordingly.  old 
habit..don't know how i got it.


>I am assuming that the undefined building means not seated?
>Now here is the trick your missing
>Make sure you're query is sorted by building and then what ever something
>order by Building,fName in your query.
>Then insteado of using cfloop, use cfoutput like this
><cfoutput query="queryName" group="building">
> <cfif queryName.Building neq "">
> Building: #queryName.Building#
> <cfoutput>
> #fName# #lName#
> </cfoutput>
> <br>
> </cfif>
>Now I am not sure how the undefined string will be sorted with this, but you
>could run this twice one with is numeric around the output and one if its
>And why do people insist on learning CF with this?
>  <cfif #distinctBuilding.building# NEQ "">
>instead of
>  <cfif distinctBuilding.building neq "">
>Who is teaching you that?
>On 5/23/07, Christopher Chin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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