On 5/22/07, Mike Chabot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, I assume you are on Windows. The Mac platform has a lot of great
> time tracking applications, if you happen to be on that platform. The
> offerings on the Windows platform, as well as the Web-based solutions
> I looked at, were mostly disappointing.

Regarding Mac apps...

I use On The Job for tracking time spent on projects and tasks and for
generating basic invoices. It was under $30. But the really useful
tracking tool is Active Timer. It's free and it just runs quietly in
the background recording the time you spend in each application and
(for most applications) the individual windows / documents within each
application. If nothing else, it's a very good tool for developing
discipline in terms of working practices because you can easily see
how much time you're spending on non-billable activities! :)
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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