> The last I saw in this category was somebody who absolutely wanted to 
> enter several values in a text field using the Enter key in order to enter 
> several lines...

Mine was a client with an admin for their image gallery. It was set up 
for a main image and a thumb.

First round was my mistake. I trusted the client. WRONG!! I showed them 
how to use the system and how to properly size the images for use. The 
input fields *clearly* stated that the thumbs needed to be 100x150px and 
the main images could be no wider than 550px.

A week later, I get a phone call asking why their site isn't working and 
I find they've placed 20 or so full sized 3.5 to 6 meg images in as 
thumbnails! Their index page was weighing in at over 100 megs at this point!

I should have know better...

So, I rewrote it with the proper validation and file size checking as it 
should be. I immediately get an angry phone call - The admin isn't 
accepting our images!!".

"Have you sized them the way I showed you in your photo editing software?"

"We don't have time to edit anything. Make it so we can just put 
whatever we want in."

I went back in again and added imageCFC to take care of that. Which 
seemed to be working pretty good.

Another angry phone call. "Out thumbnails are DISTORTED!!!"

"Have you sized them correctly?"

"We told you we wanted the application to do that!"

"Well, they're getting sized to 100x150, so if you put something larger 
in there, at least the ratio needs to be 2/3 or it's going to 
proportioned incorrectly. I originally showed you how to use the 
application and you've got image editing software to do your sizing and 
optimization for you. You'll be much happier with the results if you do 
it that way."

"We just need to be able to export directly out of the camera. Got no 
time to fool with anything else. We've asked you to fix it. So FIX IT!"

I never could get the imageCFC "crop" function to work correctly for me, 
and even if i had, they wouldn't have been happy with how the crop was 

Because of this and a number of other issues with the client, I finally 
"fired" them. Couldn't take any more...

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