Strange cfloop behaviour, that i'm not sure, isnt a coldfusion bug.

cf7 and another unnamed version :) i see the same behaviour...

1. i have a query that returns a small recordset, 15 records
2. i have a cfloop that runs through that recordset, and for each
record, it performs
a cfquery gets some data, and for each record of the second query, i use a value
from the first query and insert it into the database, one row for each
record of
the 2nd query.
3. if i set the value i need to inject OUTSIDE of the 2nd cfloop tag,
the value is
fine, and i can use it inside the 2nd cfloop tag.
4. if i dont, and i just reference the value by name, it never gets
past the value
of the 1st record of the first recordset. and i end up with 15 of the same value
being used inside the 2nd cfloop tag for the insert query.
5. everything has prefix names, everything is being referenced by
name, etc... the code
checks out just fine, just never gets past index value 1.
6. i havent tried it using notation like this "qryTest.value[1]" but i
didnt think i had to, i
always thought if i had named variables and values, etc... that having
nested loops like
that wouldnt make a diff?

help? i have figured out how to code around this, but it just doesnt seem right?


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