In this case, just to be annoying, I'd avoid the array - don't depend
on PKs in a DB table being sequential. If you do a delete or something
else happens, you will end up with empty array elements and this won't
properly reflect the data.

Have you considered using the original query? This way you can get the
payOptionID by using QoQ (which performs rather well for this kind of
thing, considering you're now having to loop over the whole struct to
find what you're after).

On 5/29/07, James C. Montgomery  wrote:
> The reason I initially decided to go with a structure is as Brian
> mentioned below - because the keys aren't sequential and I thought using
> a structure might be best for that. I am now rethinking this and may use
> an array. I am moving the database from MS Access to MySQL and it would
> be trivial to reset the keys to sequential order when I convert that
> table. But going back to my decision to use a structure to store the
> payOptions and payOptionIDs, I was looking for a way to reach directly
> into the structure and pull out the payOptionID if I had a known
> associated payOption. I was able to do this by using a collection loop
> over the structure to give me what I wanted.

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