We just shipped out a bunch of CF posters to local user group managers. 
If you group doesn't have any they tell your user group manager to 
contact alison at teratech dotcom and she will ship them some.

We will also have some at CFUNITED. Enjoy!
- Michael Smith
  TeraTech http://www.teratech.com/
  CFUNITED http://www.cfunited.com/

Jeff Small wrote:
> Even better, will we be able to get Scorpio posters at Max this year?
> I got my 7 poster at Max... I think in Anaheim.
> The terratech posters are a little different. I know there have been two
> versions of the 7 posters. One from TT and one from Macromedia. 
> Last year at Max the only ones I could get were the AS3 and Flex Class
> diagrams. 
> If Terratech has any 7s left, I'm sure you could talk someone into bringing
> a handful to CFUnited.
> I know the reference sites are good, but those posters just work really well
> for me too. I like just sort of standing in front of it while you think a
> little. It's a nice reference.
> Perhaps you could contact your local usergroup manager, and see if he could
> get Ed to send a few out?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric J. Hoffman
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CF Poster
> We have an old 6.1 MX poster from TeraTech that had all the CF functions
> and tags on it...it was pretty big and super sweet for quick reference.
> Is there anywhere to get such a beast updated for 7?

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