CFFM 1.16 is now available for download at

I've in tegrated ImageCFC 2.17, and added more error trapping to
reduce problems relating to corrupt and unknown image types.

New features!!!

Image manipulation operations are now performed on a "working copy" of
the original file, allowing you to commit or discard changes.
Added the "Crop to exact size" option for resizing when the preserve
aspect ratio is used.
Added "crop" capability

For the uninitiated, here's the definition of "preserve aspect ratio"
and "crop to exact size"

Preserve aspect ratio will resize an image to fit within a specified
dimension, but ONE dimension will likely be smaller.  Ie, a 640x480
image resized to 100x100 with the preseve aspect ration option checked
will actually be resized to 100x75.

With the "crop to exact size", the image will first be resized to
133x100, then cropped to 100x100.

Rick Root

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade & see new features.


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