Couldn't you just use SSL or are you storing the data encrypted in a column?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Mon Jun 04 10:56:03 2007
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM

Yeah, Basically just a standard encrypt()/decrypt() on the data as it passes
in and out of the database. But rather than hard coding the key into a CFM
file and storing it in Application.EncKey I was thinking about encapsulating
it in its own object, makes life simple as I can have it injected as a
constructor into my DAO's for when the public/pull data from the database.

Location: West Sussex.

Thanks Neil,


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: 04 June 2007 10:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM

No worries,

Yeah, if you are working on large imports/data management then I would look
at using SP's/DTS/SSIS but I would no doubt trigger them asynchronous as
well and I would probably not use the web to control the jobs outcome (as in
a job completion notification) as long running requests like that as a bitch
to handle and are wasted resources unless you have a dedicated instance
doing all that legwork etc. 

You want to encrypt all of your data in and out of your app?

Location: London.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Sent: 04 June 2007 10:26
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM

Cheers Neil,

Yeah I agree there are some issues with stored procs, but things like
caching are something I don't really have to deal with in this application,
the site isn't public facing and the majority of the data within the app
needs to be 'real-time' so we tend not to cache. However, that IS an
exciting feature in Scorpio, can't wait to upgrade :-)

I know that debugging and things can be a bit of a hassle, but generally all
the queries are written in CF as a proof of concept first, once we have a
working model then we'll migrate them over to stored procs for the
production version. Also a large amount of our more complex queries are for
data imports and moving large amount of data around, so being able to have
SQL server do all the donkey work is a god send. I've not done much testing
on performance myself but I like the concept of the separation using them
gives and if we get boosted performance as a result then that's just a
fringe benefit.

The other benefit of the stored proc method is portability of the database,
There is a possibility that in the future we'll have to bolt on some more
JAVA based apps to the server and if we can have them share the same query
set without having to rewrite it all, then that'd be nice too.

Any ideas on that encryption stuff? I'm trying to figure out the best way to
implement it, I'm almost 100% convinced giving it a class makes sense,
especially if working with a factory, I can define my key in the XML and
have it inject an instance into all my DAO's with the minimum of hassle.

Thanks again mate, where abouts in the world are you sending from? By the
way you spell 'arse' I'm guessing you're a fellow UK resident.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: 04 June 2007 10:00
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM

>From experience, it can be a easy to choose SP's for their "speed", but I
have found that cfquery can perform just as well, and even better in some

Sure you get the multiple recordset ability with an SP but unless you are
using CF8 you still cannot cache results - unless you roll your own
mechanism which is an arse. They are also harder to debug but that is no
doubt something you know and can live with!

I would use them but I would think about using them sparingly and if you can
to use an ORM - don't us them at all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Sent: 04 June 2007 09:47
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM

Thanks Neil and Mark,

I remember the whole 'active' records and really liked that concept, but to
be honest I've gotten myself tied quite nicely into using stored procs
recently and don't really want to move back, I'm quite happy.

I've got a small CFC setup here that generates all my beans, DAO and Gateway
for my simple objects so that will probably do the job and a ORM might not
be necessary, I can probably survive without all that advance stuff for the

One thing I would like to quickly ask, whilst on the subject of data access,
how do you guys deal with encryption in an OO environment? Do you just dump
the key into your app scope? Or do you create an encryption class that
stores it as a property, along with the other settings and place that as a
singleton into your app scope? And how do you utilize that in your DAO?
Inject it as a constructor?

Thanks again for your input chaps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: 04 June 2007 09:25
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Choosing an ORM


>From what I can see, it had a divorce in that it is not longer intrinsically
tied into MG. With MG:U you have ORM Adaptors which means you can choose
either Reactor or Transfer (or any other should they come about or exist).
Stored Procs aren't going to really fit the ORM bill it really has to be
direct object to table access from what I can see.

What I have found with Reactor is that since it is an ActiveRecord process
it has to be a 1:1 object mapping to a real physical table.  It is less
flexible that Transfer. With Transfer you have a little bit more flexibility
with decorators but it still lacks in some areas (and excels in others) -
composite keys is one area but I know Mark is working on a fix for this so
it can support them.



-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Sent: 04 June 2007 09:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Choosing an ORM

Hello Guys,


I've just started work on a large scale rebuild of my core business
application, and to aid me the gruelling task I'm toying with implementing
MG, ColdSpring and one of the ORM's. I've done some small work with these in
the past but used Reactor. Now, I'm sure I've read somewhere that Reactor
and MG got a divorce, and that MG would most likely end up sleeping with
Transfer, is this the case?


Another thing to take into consideration is that I had planned to take all
my queries and move them into stored procs on my SQL Server as some of them
were getting pretty fat and needed a helping hand to keep performance where
I want it, will I still be able to do this when working with an ORM?


What are your thoughts on this stuff? What's hot? And what's not?


Look forward to hearing from you guys,



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