So I have been searching the net for about 3 days on this and no help so I now 
turn to you guys for help.  I have a report I built in Crystal Reports 11 and 
saved it into a dirctory called Reports.  The Reports folder is in the same 
directory as every thing else that my page uses.  I use a .cfc to the data for 
the report and on my return form the cfc to the index.cfm I call a page called 
GoalReport.cfm in it I have the cfreport tag.  It does dsiplay the report just 
fine the only thing that it dosent due is bring up the right data.  I have 
check my table time after time and the table has the right info in it but the 
report displays the old data.  How do I make it display the data that is in the 
table.  Here is the code that is in my GoalReport.cfm 

<cfreport report = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Worksitenew23\Reports\Worksite Goal 
Report.rpt" datasource="AgentSys" username = "sa" password = "">

Thanx Chris

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