> I also have JS validation, but I never imagine I would also have to
> check the value in the method attribute.
> And even so, if the error is caused by IE, the method value will
> probably be changed after the onsubmit event anyway.

Claude - I may have solved this issue.  So far no errors.

In my JS validation, triggered by the onClick event of the submit button, I 
changed from using submit() to "return true".  As I am using a type=submit 
button (rather than a type=button button) this is the same thing.  It could 
be that the problem is using the submit() method within JS.

Now, if you're using a type=button button, this won't be of help, but if you 
are able to refactor to a type=submit button and do "return true" on 
successful JS validation, it may clear up the problem for you.

-- Josh

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