I was also receiving the very cryptic 500 NULL error; in circumstances very 
similar to the above. I ended up tracking this down to 
java.lang.String.URLDecode(), which throws a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
if a '%' character is not followed by a valid 2-digit hexadecimal number.  So, 
for instance, if you're passing urlEncoded value of %F1 you're fine, but if you 
pass %G1 you get the 500 NULL error.

What was happening on our end, was that there was a page using the JavaScript 
method escape().  The escape method fails to handle non-ASCII characters 
correctly.  So if you're passing Unicode, or other fun characters via a form 
POST, you'll end up with weird strings like %G1.  The fix was to use an 
alternative encoding method encodeURI().


>T Lux wrote:
>For what its worth, an application of mine just started receiving this 
>same error. I just tracked down the customer machine that is causing the 
>error and I'm asking the client to get ahold of that customer in an 
>effort to figure out what all is going on. From the headers it seems 
>that its IE 6. The only oddity I see in the useragent string is that the 
>customer has InfoPath installed, which seems to be a MS product for 
>dealing with forms in your browser 
>(http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/infopath/FX100487661033.aspx). I 
>suppose that could be a source of malformed requests. Beyond that, the 
>request that we are dealing with is a timed XmlHTTPRequest Post of an 
>xml string. Doesn't seem to cause problems anywhere else, just this one 
>Oh and for posterities sake, when looking at Ethereal, the cause of the 
>500 Error seems to be TCP Checksum Incorrect errors. So that makes me 
>start thinking network issues between the client and then server.
>Thats all I have to go on so far. Hope this helps someone out.

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