We run over 300 sites on a single Sun SPARC and we are still coping
with the load after some JVM tuning (it runs much better than some
hosts I've been with, for example). Having said that, we are expanding
this to plan for growth and provide high availability.

On 6/6/07, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/5/07, J.J. Merrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > According to Forta the cost in a bulk license is so small that there is no
> > reason for hosting companies to even charge a premium.
> Yes, there absolutely is.
> You can pretty easily put 500 php web sites on a single box without
> too much trouble.
> You can't put 500 CF sites on a single box though.
> Plain and simple, the power we are afforded by Coldfusion prevents a
> hosting company from realistically putting any more than a fraction of
> the site that they can put on a standard php/html type server.  Your
> average host that supports php gets a lot of static web sites.  Your
> average host that supports CF probably gets a LOT more database
> intensive websites.
> The cost of hosting CF web sites is not necessarly related to the cost
> of the CF license.  Sure, you fork out maybe $3000/year, or $250/month
> for a CF enterprise license.  If you put 100 sites on a server, that's
> $2.50/month for the cost of the CF license.  Really though, a server
> with 100 cf-powered web sites?
> I'm spoiled by my dedicated server with 15 web sites on it I guess =)

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