Not followed directly but are you using a load balancer?

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-----Original Message-----
From: stylo stylo
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed Jun 06 08:27:37 2007
Subject: Re: why might sessions end more quickly after changing to linux/B

- The timeout value that's set on the server directly 

Was 20min, I upped it to 40, no change.

- The timeout value that you've set in your Application.cfm (if any) 

It's longer. I do have a search for useragent string for spiders and
crawlers and knock them down to 1 second timeouts to preserve memory, but
code hasn't changed from previous server and was never an issue before. I'm
going to revise that code and see if it does anything.

- This could also be related to network problems. Are you on a network where
IP changes often? 

No, and it is not only me. Some customers say suddenly their cart will be
empty sometimes. Clearly they lost their session. 

- Are you using cookieless session tracking? (that can get tricky...)


I'm clutching at straws here, but was wondering if something to do with vps
perhaps and losing the domain/cookie? (And dns propagated 2 weeks ago.)

Thanks for any ideas.

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