> I have developed a "Flash Remoting" application using 
> Coldfusion and SQL 2000 and am almost ready to go live.
> The remoting application uses many queries/responses to/from 
> the SQL 2000 database via Coldfusion.
> The Flash Remoting application is a game which I hope will 
> become popular and be played by many thousands of users at 
> the same time - meaning that SQL2000/Coldfusion will need to 
> process thousands of simultaneous requests.
> 1/ My main concern is that if there are many thousands of 
> users playing the game simultaneously will Coldfusion and SQL 
> 2000 be able to handle the thousands of "simultaneous 
> requests" going back and forth from the Remoting,Coldfusion,SQL 2000?

That depends on many factors, obviously, but CF can certainly scale well
enough to handle your requests.

> 2/ Will I need several dedicated servers to handle thousands 
> of simultaneous requests (as Macromedia advises that should 
> not set to more than 40 simulateous requests)?

The "number of simultaneous requests" in the CF administrator is the number
that it is set to handle at one time. Additional requests are queued, then
processed when CF has responded to one of the current requests. Even if you
have more requests than can be processed simultaneously, you will usually
get better performance by letting them wait briefly in the queue, than by
increasing the number of threads dedicated to simultaneous request
processing. The more threads devoted to concurrent processing, the more
inter-thread management stuff your application server has to do.

> 3/ Would it be preferable to use ASP.NET instead of Coldfusion:
> (i)To Interact between Flash Remoting and SQL2000 as there is 
> much discussion that ASP.NET is far superior to Coldfusion in 
> handling significant loads and simultaneous requests?
> (ii)Need to purchase multiple Coldfusion licenses in the 
> event that multiple dedicated servers are needed and ASP.NET 
> does not require purchase of separate licenses on servers?

I haven't seen any evidence that ASP.NET is far superior to CF in handling
significant loads and simultaneous requests.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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