Andrew Scott wrote:
> Because now() is server time...

Not actually. The value DEFAULTS to now(), but anything can be entered 
and it still ends on storing as 1 day earlier even when a different date 
is entered.

What I *haven't* tested yet is to see if there's a particular hour that 
this happens, but I'm playing with it now - doing a submission every 
hour and seeing what I get back. If it's something other than midnight 
and it's correct for a few hours, that'll give me a clue.

> Very simple problem....
> On 6/9/07, Les Mizzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've got a site that's hosted in Guernsey (Island in English channel)
>> with a form with date input fields. Pretty darned simple.
>> <input id="depDATE"
>>         name="depDATE"
>>         type="text"
>>         value="#dateformat(now(),'mm/dd/yyyy')#" />
>> This form uses a web service to write to a MySQL database in the US.
>> Also pretty simple:
>> One the Guernsey side:
>> <cfinvoke webservice="#request.cfcLOCATION#"
>>           method="ENROLLMENT_ONE"
>>          returnvariable="getMAX"
>>           WSdepDATE="#form.depDATE#" >
>> On the US side:
>> <cffunction name="ENROLLMENT_ONE"
>>            access="remote"
>>            returntype="any"
>>            hint="Add the initial enrollment record">
>> <cfargument name="WSdepDATE" type="date" />
>> And in my insert statement.
>> <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_DATE"
>>               value="#WSdepDATE#" />
>> Looks fine, right?
>> BUT - the dates stored are one date off from the dates entered.
>> Somebody enters 7/21/2007 and 7/20/2007 is getting written to the
>> database.
>> What tha?????
>> Any ideas at all? There's a 6 hour difference between the servers in
>> Guernsey and where the database lives in the US. Could that have
>> anything to do with it?
>> Ideas? Any at all?

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