Actually you are right I missed that, the event is actually onKeyDown or
onKeyUp I believe..

On 6/12/07, Dinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know if there is an "onenter" input attribute... that might be a
> problem.
> In your case tho, I think you could just do this, and fake the enter
> key listener (since it's in a form, enter is bound by default to submit).
> I think.
> <form onsubmit="entermessage();return false;">
> Which I hope would fire every time enter is pressed, but don't know
> for sure.
> Otherwise you'd have to listen for a keypress, I guess, and see if
> the key pressed was the enter key.  I've got some examples of that
> lying around if you need it.  The interweb has 'em too.

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